Something I wanted to share with you all today, my first variant cover purchase!
What is a variant cover? Well from my understanding some comic books will publish multiple cover designs of a comic book issue. But with the help of a quick google search, according to the internet a variant cover refers to an issue of a comic book printed with multiple covers, each with unique cover art.
Jurassic League Variant Cover B Juan Gedeon Card Stock
I picked up Jurassic League when I went to my local shop to make my first purchases. I thought it was fun and interesting with dinosaurs on the cover in superhero outfits. I figured it would at least be something to read to my son Oliver. Now here is something that threw me off, my son was very careful handling the book and was checking out each page intently. It was such a wonderful dad moment to experience. We had fun reading this one.
So then to have a bit more fun, I figured why not go back to the comic book shop but this time bring Oliver along! I knew the variant cover would draw him in. ANYTHING dinosaurs is this kids jam, he goes gaga over them. Sure enough we walk into the shop and I bring him over to the comic book rack. He sees the cover and grabs it right away!
Original Cover At first glance the cover was intense and caused me to pick it up and check out the details. From what I could tell, it was going to be about superheroes as dinosaurs. The cover features a Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman dinosaur. They all look pretty sweet in their various stances and I really like how the “Superman” covers up the title slightly.
Variant Cover by Juan Gedeon WOW. Absolutely love this cover. I’m a huge fan of negative/white space in my own graphic design work, but to see it on a comic book cover with such epic illustration was great. Also pretty stoked that this is printed on cardstock.
Variant Cover + an inside spread
Story Now as we may already know this story, having it depicted with dinosaurs made it fun to read. Our Batman dino begins the story with hunting down a certain monster that is threatening the lands. He comes upon… Jokerzard. LOL. He comes to realize that this Jokerzard is the one responsible for killing its parents and whoops his ass. All while a little boy is mourning his parents that were seemingly killed by Jokerzard. We later are introduced to Blackmantasaurus, Wonderdon and Supersaur PLUS two more at the very end. My son and I are very excited to read issue #2 and can’t wait to pick it up. I’m even more excited to take my son to the comic book store again.
Picked up some Strawberry Tree wax from my local dispensary to smoke while reading this comic
Overall Rating on Comic Geeks I gave this issue a 5 out of 5. The art drew me in and my son enjoying it too has caused me to add it to my pull list (which is another word for wishlist) This was another great issue to start off with since it is one that many of us have already heard.
Be sure to check back next week as I review a few more of the comics i purchased on my first trip to the comic book shop!
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