Wow. Wow. Wow.
I honestly didn’t think we’d get something this awesome for a season finale. It was so damn good. I figured I would write a blog post and get my thoughts out without spoiling it for people on Threads that are just checking their feed in the morning. So if you’re here and haven’t watched the final episode of Tolerance is Extinction, turn around now! If you have, let’s discuss.
I really liked how in the last post I did a “burst” of first thoughts that came to mind of the episode, so let’s do that!
Seeing Professor X and Magneto as their younger selves?!
Portrayal of Magneto’s mind was creative
Prof X Mind Hijack was sickkkk
Love the cameos, done very tastefully and not just thrown in
“How’s your mommy Sebastion?” LOL!
Phoenix! Hell yeah!
Bastion character design and evolution looked badass
Cyclops & Jean farewell, so heartfelt
Cyclops tearing up after saying bye
The X-Men are dead?!
Bishop! Where you been man?!
Phew lots to take in and quite frankly I’m sure I’ll be rewatching this episode over and over.
Loved seeing them discover being mutants
I felt like all of the cameos we saw were in great taste and nothing like, “oh that was stupid” type of cameos we are so used to getting in some MCU movies. The creative ways they go about portraying mind, emotions and conflict have been so cool to see and experience. For instance the way they make Magneto’s mind an enclosed area taking on water. That was dope.
I was not sure what was going to happen here.
The entire evolution and the reasoning for Sebastion was very well done. The actual character design when he evolves after taking on Cable’s arm was clean and not some ridiculous looking design.
Great variety of awesome cameos like this one of Pyslocke.
Iron Man and Captain America show up briefly!
Daredevil looks sick!
Black Panther!!!!!!
Doctor Stranger, why aren’t you fighting??
All really great cameos that I was extremely pumped about seeing. I want more hahaha.
The goodbye from Scott to Cable was another good emotional scene that offered closure and really spoke to me.
Cyclops fighting after saying goodbye to his son, feelings
How’s your mommy Sebastion?” LOL
This was pretty epic
Once we cut to the board showing the missing X-Men I had no clue what was going to happen.
The X-Men are gone..
Hell yeah! Bishop is back, but what is going on? The X-Men are lost in time??
Apocalypse is coming
One cameo I did not expect at all. Apocalypse is coming.
Can’t wait for the next season.
Overall 5 / 5
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