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X-Men '97 | Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 2

Episode 9, Tolerance is Extinction part 2 just dropped and man oh man it was a doozy

This is my first time writing a blog post about a show because holy fuck that was amazing. It’s currently 2:18 am and I’m in bed still processing what I just watched. I figured I would write a blog post and get my thoughts out without spoiling it for people on Threads that are just checking their feed in the morning. This way, if anyone wants to read ahead they can!

Ok, so gun to my head these are the first thoughts that come to mind of the episode!

  • HULK! Fuck yeah that was so awesome to see him!

  • Did NOT expect Roberto/Sunspot to join Magneto and Rogue

  • The old suits fucking SLAP!

  • Saw Wolverine in yellow & brown in WWIII yesterday, now in animation, wow


Ok, Ok let’s take a deep breath. That was AMAZING! Like many other millenials I grew up watching all the X-Men movies produced by Fox and the reign that Hugh Jackman has over Wolverine. Though I did not watch the animated show growing up nor was I into comics or superheros as a kid. I was a Dragon Ball Z kid growing up, so what am I getting at?

Well all of this is extremely new to me. The show runner Beau De Mayo, recommended reading a certain comic issue called Fatal Attractions in which Magneto removes the adamantium from Wolverine’s skeleton. I sure am glad I didn’t do that because watching it without knowing that was absolutely epic. “This feud is over.” CHILLS.

First off, absolutely loveeee the new outfit for Storm and finally see a good still of it since it seems like Storm has been flying around for what seems like a whole episode.

Storm is serving up looks this episode.

The episode starts off with the human sentinels continuing to threat the mutant population. Storm and Forge arrive to help out Jubilee and Roberto/Sunspot. Professor X surveys the destruction and chaos at the mansion, including his hoverchair that leaves him to use a wheelchair to move around.

Magneto looks so badass confronting the X-Men

During the time that the X-Men are figuring out what to do, Magneto is lifting a giant ass asteroid out of the ground and seems to want to use it as a weapon. The Master of Magnetism confronts Professor X and the X-Men at the mansion and pretty much says enough is enough, join him.

I did not see this coming!

To my surprise, Roberto/Sunspot joins. I totally saw Rogue joining not Roberto, but after the treatment he received from his own mother, I can see why.

Jubilee going back to her original black jumpsuit just fits

The X-Men retreat to a new base and gear up to go take on Bastion. We get a glimpse at some of the original X-Men suits, like Wolverine’s yellow and brown getup. While one team confronts Bastion, another team heads to fend off Magneto and talk some sense into him.

Hulk Smash! Morph Smash*

When the team takes on Bastion and his army of sentinels, Morph turns into Hulk and Morph Smashes! Haha that was awesome to see.

HULK BABY! Great “cameo”

Both teams are struggling to get their objectives complete. Storm and Forge are blasted out of the air by Sentinels. Magneto is holding off Professor X but not for long as Wolverine gets his helmet off for Professor X to take control.

I felt like this was the climax of the show.

We get some awesome sequences of Wolverine fighting Magneto, removing the helmet, stabbing Magneto, then Professor X using his mutant powers to over power Magneto.

This was such a sick sequence!

But at that moment Cyclops blasts Professor X because Gold team still needs time to complete their objective. However this was a horrible decision because Magneto goes super saiyan and puts his helmet on Xavier’s head and proceeds to crush it.

Oh man, I was at the edge of my seat here.

I got some major “Krillin’ is about to be exploded by Freiza” vibes when I saw this still of Wolverine. It was a look of helplessness. Brutal.

Fun fact, this scene of Krillin is tattooed right by armpit, ouch

But as Magneto is torturing Xavier, Wolverine comes up behind him and SLICE, the sextuple puncture wound, as Deadpool would call it. Magneto is stabbed by Wolverine but just as we thought things would settle down, Magneto turns around and RIPS the adamantium from Wolverine’s skeleton! FUCKKKK.

Can’t wait for the next episode.

Overall 5 / 5

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