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Review: Blood Hunt Issue 2

Blood Hunt covers are pretty dope because we get to see heroes molly whopping vampires!

Ok I know I said I was only going to collect Deadpool and Wolverine WWIII and also the Poison Ivy run that started last year. However, this new Blood Hunt run is only 5 issues (if you don’t include the separate titles) and since I got started with the Free Comic Book Day version it was a no brainer. I’m not sure what it is with vampires but I love them! It might be growing up watching Blade 1-3, Underworld, Twilight, Van Helsing and more.

I stopped at my local comic book shop on Thursday intending to pick up issue 3 of X-Men ‘97 but I saw Blood Hunt issue 2 sitting right next to it. I think what has been drawing me to it besides the story is the art. The covers featuring Avengers and other superheroes slicing up Vampires is fucking dope. I do wish though that I got a wrap-around cover again like the first issue I picked up. It’s a shame we don’t get wrap-arounds as much anymore but I totally understand the need to market the next books and such. Reminder of how these blog posts go:


Once again, another cool cover featuring our superheroes going toe-to-toe against some vicious looking vampires. The background looks to be set in the city with our heroes at the top of a building with vampires climbing up the walls. Captain America, Captain Marvel, Vision and Iron Man are all fighting vampires off and it looks super awesome. My favorite part of the cover is Captain Marvel because it looks like she punched the living shit out of a vampire!

Brielle, daughter of Blade, decapitating suckers


So we left off on the last issue (SPOILER WARNING) if you haven’t read the first issue of Blood Hunt, save this blog post and come back after reading. But at the very end of issue 1, we discover Blade being the mastermind behind the vampire invasion and he stabs Dr. Strange right through the chest. It was absolutely EPIC. 

We get quick looks at Thor being strung up by chains and the stake still through his head(another epic illustration). Scarlet Witch seems to be incapacitated and T’Challa has been converted into a vampire! Blade, having control over his vampire minions, orders Black Panther to fetch his prize, as well as sends his bloodcoven to find the girl; both of these we don’t know what they are, yet I think.

Now I have no prior knowledge of Blade comics or lore, but he has a daughter(Brielle) according to the first issue. This time she has linked up with Dracula in New York City, and he is talking down to her for risking her life to fight off vampires for humans. There is a sweet action shot of Brielle slicing a vampire’s head off.

We now encounter some heroes who are trying to link up in Uptown. Tigra and Hunter’s Moon, two heroes I’m unfamiliar with, are looking for Dr. Strange when they happen upon Spider-Man, though he says he’s the other Spider-Man. Not sure what that means. 

They discover Clea and a vampire Dr. Strange after being led by Dr. Strange’s astral self. 

The issue finishes off with some dope fighting scenes and the Avengers coming thru and whooping butt. Captain America, Captain Marvel, Iron Man and Vision all show up to help Dracula against Blade’s bloodcoven. Megrim is taken down by Vision, Captain Marvel smashes the shit out of Bloodstorm 1 with a flying punch. The fight continues with the Avengers overtaking them to the point that the bloodcoven teleports to escape.

Our heroes are able to take a breather, but right as they let down their guard, one of them turns…! We’ll talk about this reveal in the next post. Can’t wait for the next issue!

Oh no! Who is turning into vampire??!

Overall 4 / 5

Artwork was dope, so that’s good to know the quality didn’t dip after the first issue. I will say though the story kind of felt a little empty in a way. It was a bit of a different take on the first issue in which we get a grouping of a heroes against vampires but we didn’t really find out anything important to the story. We’ll see how this next issue goes.

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